Willmar Civic Scholarship
Willmar Civic Scholarship Association
Our Mission
The Willmar Civic Scholarship Association's purpose is to annually honor scholastic achievement by awarding scholarships to Willmar Senior High School students to be used for their post secondary education.
Our Story
The Willmar Civic Scholarship Association is a non-profit organization that evolved from a meeting of the Education Committee of the Chamber of Commerce in 1958. It was established for the sole purpose of rewarding academic excellence. The success of this program is due to the overwhelming generosity of local businesses, organizations, established memorials and individual community members. Their generosity directly benefits our graduates as they further their education.
On behalf of the many young people we have helped send off to pursue further education, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your support. We look forward to continuing the mission of the Willmar Civic Scholarship Association established so many years ago.
If you, your family or your business would like to be a financial partner, e-mail willmarcivicscholarship@gmail.com or call the Willmar Senior High Guidance Office at 320 231-8320.
Board Members