Takedown Club
The mission of the Takedown Club is...
"to promote and support Willmar Wrestling at all levels".
Takedown Club Committee
President: Brock Streff
Vice President: Dione Wangen
Secretary:Lisa Molacek
Treasurer: Kris Rosendahl
Board Members
Derek Miska
Monica Miska
Will Sordahl
Jesse Hyatt
Jen Schow
Josh Larson
Kellie Carlson
The Takedown Club is a booster club organization that supports the Willmar Wrestling program through fundraising and volunteerism. They hold meetings about once a month; usually the first Monday of the month at the American Legion at 7:00pm. If you are interested in more information about the Takedown Club, or becoming a member, feel free to attend a meeting or contact a board member or wrestling coach.
Contact Information
Email Coach Ed Oehlers at willmarwrestling@willmar.k12.mn.us
Upcoming Meetings