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Softener Salt Drive Fundraiser

2024-25 Wrestling Softener Salt Fundraiser

The Willmar Takedown Club annual Salt Drive is coming soon!  Every season, the Takedown Club sells softener salt as a fundraiser for the wrestling program.  The proceeds go toward benefiting and supporting all levels of the Willmar Wrestling program.  Besides supporting our young student-athletes, this fundraiser has been a huge success because the wrestlers will deliver it to your place of storage! Yes, even in the basement!  If customers would prefer, you can come to pick up your own salt and the wrestlers will help load it into your vehicle for you!

If you are interested in ordering salt and would like someone to contact you email and make sure to include your name and preferred contact information (email, phone, etc).


Salt fundraiser details:

* Sales are open from Nov 12th until November 26th - orders can be placed with any wrestler, coach, or booster club member.

* Salt delivery is Sunday, Dec 15th.

* Initial form and money turn in on 11/25/24 at your child's practice location (Look for the Takedown Club rep at practice)

* Orders are due no later than Tuesday 11/26/24 (At the Red/White Scrimmage, Senior High)

*Prices are per bag, per 5 bags, and per pallet. There are 63 bags of salt per pallet. You can sell individual bags, but remember that you have to deliver them. It is HIGHLY encouraged to sell at least 5 bags at a time.



  • Extra Course Solar Salt

    • $8.75 per bag

    • $43.75 (5 bags)

    • $488 (Pallet/63 bags)

  • Pellet Salt

    • $9.00 per bag

    • $45 (5 bags)

    • $504 (Pallet/63 bags)

  • Iron Fighter Pellet Salt

    • $10.50 per bag

    • $52.50 (5 bags)

    • $535.50 (Pallet/63 bags)



  • This year we are only taking CASH or CHECK

  • Make all checks out to: Willmar Takedown Club

  • Payment is due WITH the order!

  • All orders must contain complete address & phone number


Order Form Turn-in :

  • We have 2 turn in dates for orders. A pre-turn in date is scheduled for 11/25/24 before/during/after your respective practices. FINAL turn in is on 11/26/23 at the Red/White Scrimmage which is at the High school

  • REMEMBER: All payments are due at order turn in. We will NOT accept your packet unless you have ALL of the money for the orders listed



  • Salt Delivery Date is DECEMBER 15th, 2024 (Sunday after the Youth Cardinal Classic)

  • All wrestlers can pick up their salt on the NORTH side of the Civic Center (new location). Salt needs to be picked up by 5:00pm.

  • If you have any questions contact: Kris Rosendahl @ 218-205-2377 or email


Athlete selling instructions:

  • Attend Ice Cream Social to get important information about the fundraiser and upcoming season.

  • Sell!!!!

    • Contact family members, friends, coworkers asking for their support.

    • Go door to door.

    • Find apartment buildings or small businesses that might want to place a larger order.

    • Make sure to collect check payments at the time of the order and turn them in with your order form.

  • Enter your order form information on the online order form so the total order information can be updated.

    • Make sure to enter your name at the bottom of the online form so your sales are counted under your name. If you sell a pallet worth, you get a Willmar Wrestling t-shirt.

  • Turn in your order form and money by the deadline.


Athlete delivery instructions:

  • Delivery is Saturday, December 15th 2024 from the Willmar Civic Center (2707 Arena Dr, Willmar, MN 56201)

  • Every wrestler is expected to help with the fundraiser and delivery.

  • Wrestlers (and a parent if needed) can arrive at the Willmar Civic Center to help load and deliver salt starting at 12pm.

  • You will be given your customer list when you arrive, along with the delivery information. 

  • All orders will be pre-sorted. Volunteers will direct you to your order upon arrival.

  • It helps if you have a vehicle and/or trailer that can transport the salt and people delivering with you.  If not, we will find someone to help deliver your order with you.

  • If you didn't sell salt, you will be helping to load vehicles and trailers at the Civic Center, or will be assigned to help deliver with someone else.

  • If a customer is choosing to pick up their own salt order, we will have wrestlers on site to help them load.