Hygiene and Skin Disease
Skin diseases and infections are a stigma for the sport of wrestling. Our program has protocols to deal with any concerns that arise, which coincide with the rules administered by the MSHSL. It is important not to take skin conditions lightly, as they can spread quickly if they are not treated properly. It is never worth it to try and get a few days of practice, or another event in, and risk spreading disease. Any skin condition will be addressed in the best interest of the program and it’s athletes.
Prompt attention and action will help to prevent any possible spread of infection, and improve the health and image of our great sport!
What to do if you might have a skin condition:
Inform head coach
Inform school athletic trainer
Go to a doctor and get a culture taken so we know exactly what we are dealing with
Have doctor fill out MSHSL skin condition form, and email or fax the completed form to the school.
Trainer email: slavikj@acmc.com
Fax: 320-231-8460
Skin disease prevention at practices:
The coaches will perform skin-checks at practice daily. Any concern of possible skin disease will need clearance from a doctor as explained in the protocol.
We wash the athlete’s practice clothes and towels daily, the athletes must be responsible to make sure their equipment is routinely turned into the laundry.
Athletes must keep their lockers clean of dirty workout clothes and other items that can promote the spread of disease.
The athletes should use the disinfectant wipes provided to clean their headgear daily.
The athletes are expected to shower every day immediately after practice, using antibacterial soap.
Skin disease prevention at events:
The athletes should wipe down their head, neck, hands, and arms after each match they wrestle. A majority of skin diseases are spread in competition with opposing schools.
When an athlete is done competing they should shower with antibacterial soap.
Make sure to have enough clothing to use fresh workout clothes each day and have clean clothes to change into after competition is done.
Skin Condition Form - also available on MSHSL website