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High School Wrestling


Welcome to the 2024-25 Wrestling season!  We have a competitive schedule ahead, and are excited for this season's squad!  Practices start Monday, November 18th.  All wrestlers must complete the registration process prior to participation.  Here is a detailed explanation of how to register.

MSHSL Handbook 

The High School program is the product of the entire Willmar Wrestling program.  The High School team represents the efforts and influences from all aspects of the wrestling program.  In a sense, it becomes the “final stage” before our student-athletes graduate and move on in their life journey.  The Willmar Wrestling tradition rides on the shoulders of these young men and women.
The High School wrestling team consists of eligible wrestlers in grades 7-12, which coincides with the MSHSL guidelines.  There are four levels within the High School program for wrestlers to participate in - Varsity, Junior Varsity, 9th grade league and the newly added Girl's wrestling division.  Positions for each level are determined by the coaching staff through wrestle-offs and eligibility.
Varsity lineup consists of 13 weight classes, with only one wrestler eligible in each weight class to compete per event. 
Junior Varsity consists of 13 weight classes, and the potential to compete is usually determined by match-ups with the opposing schools' lineups.  Most Junior Varsity matches are scheduled with the Varsity events.
Girl's wrestling is consists of 13 weight classes. Girls now have their own individual Section and State tournaments.  The continued growth of girl's wrestling will only open more opportunities in the future. Right now girls in our program practice with the boy's team and have the option to compete at the same events.  If girls want to practice and compete with boys they can, otherwise many competitions have a girl's only division.  We also have the ability to schedule 8 Girl's Only events into our schedule.  If our participation numbers increase to justify separate practices we will provide that opportunity. 
9th Grade League competition is usually in a jamboree format.  Coaches will use their discretion to match up wrestlers with their opponents by weight, experience, and grade level at each event.  All competing wrestlers must follow the 9th grade league rules and weight classes.


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