Nordic Ski
Nordic Ski Home Page
Welcome to Mr. Brad Haugen's webpage. In addition to being Head coach for Nordic Ski, I am also a Senior High Mathematics teacher, an assistant soccer coach, and a middle school baseball coach. My room is 705F at Willmar Senior High School.
Phone: 231-8428 - If you have my cell number, it will be faster.
Email: - Email is the best.
Twitter: @willmarnordic
Click here ---> 10 things to get started
Goals: "What you do is what you get"
Be Dedicated!
Be Consistent!
Be a winner for yourself!
Nordic ski is:
Information to remember:
Wax your skis before every race!
GOAL: Increase your time with more strength and better technique.
Skis for next season. Skates/Classics. Talk to Coach Haugen.
During the season:
Wax your skis before each race!!!!
Be prepared!!!
Make sure all homework gets completed in a timely matter. Talk to your teachers ahead of time.
Be prepared!!!!
Life will be easier if you stay on top of things.
Use ZERO hour to catch up or come in in the mornings.
Don't use practice time.
Do your skiing homework-watch videos and look at your stats.
All meets subject to change quickly.
Everyone should bring water, a snack, and money. We stop to eat after each race or use the concessions at the meet if there is one.
Events Calendar
Make sure you get your skis/poles/boots out and see if they need any maintenance or if you need a size change.
Skiing on the weekends
Sibley Park
Prairie Woods
Elm Creek Park Reserve - Near Maple Grove. Great for the family.
Andes Tower - West of Alexandria. Closer and a good place to practice.
SKI SWAPS & other events(see for details):
Ski Websites:
Where to get skis:
Revolution Team Price & Lease Information
team day is in November
Get your Fast Wax from Revolution. Fast Wax Information |
Gear West |
Fitzharris |
CLC-Central Lake Conference Website
Victor C Dunder Application link
You tube Skiing: Classic Skiing Skate Skiing(freestyle) Step turn Rollerskiing
Waxing skis: Ulla Wax Videos
Practice Videos:
Classic/Double Pole/Kick Double pole
Classic Skiing Skate Skiing(freestyle) Step turn Rollerskiing
Skiing techniques
Using Neveplast for offseason skiing
Camp opportunities: If you find one you would like to go to, let me know
You can also check on:
Great Training Opportunities:
Great off season ski events:End of February - Mora, MN "Voselopet" and Cable, WI "Birkebeiner"