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National Honor Society

Invitation to apply letters have been emailed out to all junior and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or better. A carbon copy of the email was also sent to the parent emails listed in campus.

Important Dates 

  • September 12: Eligibility letters were EMAILED to students & parents.
  • November 19: Application materials will be EMAILED to eligible students.
  • December 10: DEADLINE for all application materials.
  • January 3:  Acceptance and rejection letters emailed to students.
  • Sunday, January 23, 2022: NHS Ceremony at HS Theater (7:00 PM).
If you have any questions, the eligible student should stop in and see Mr. Lynum in room
802-C during the school day from 7:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Todd Lynum


Todd Lynum