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Max Outs and Testing

We will be having our next testing week during the first of week August, which is July 31 - August 3rd.  You can complete your maxes during your session times with a coach's supervision.  Every max attempt must be completed with a strength coach.
Max Out dates:
July 31 - August 3rd
October 30th - November 3rd
March 19th - 23rd
May 21st - 25th
What tests will we be doing?
Squat (1-5RM)
Bench press (1-5RM)
Clean (1-5RM)
Deadlift (1-5RM)
Total (calculated from your combined estimated 1RM of each lift)
40 yd sprint
Pro-agility shuttle
Vertical jump
Broad Jump
*your height, weight, and vertical reach will be measured
Max Out Sheet (calculate your estimated max)
*during the max out you are allowed to complete between 1-5 reps to calculate your 1RM
Max Percentage Chart (figure out how much to use for your workouts)
*use your updated 1RM and find your workout percentages on this chart