Students have an eReader on their iPad called Destiny Discover. You can download books from the WHS eBook Library (called FollettShelf). You need wifi to download the book but once downloaded, you can read without wifi. Follow directions below:
What should I read next?What is the order of titles in a series? Answer these questions and more! Checks our catalog for you!
This resource contains more than 20,000 critical essays from over 500 literary journals and 2,300 scholarly and critical books, including 700 titles published by Bloom's Literary Criticism and Facts On File. Also included in the database are more than 13,000 biographies, 45,000 character entries, 5,000 synopses of literary works and hundreds of images and videos.
Explore the updated online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of articles, biographies, videos, images, and Web sites.
The Electronic Library for Minnesota contains a number of databases to help high school students find trustworthy content to complete homework and research projects.
One of the best ways to explore occupations is to understand your interests. You can use these career assessment tools to match your interests to a wide variety of occupations.
Ancient History Encyclopedia One of the best ways to explore occupations is to understand your interests. You can use these career assessment tools to match your interests to a wide variety of occupations.