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What Can Parents Do?


Here are some great things Parents can be doing while their students are in Ramp-Up:

  1. Ask about what your child has been learning in their Ramp-Up sessions and see if there is any information that you have that will help them understand what they are learning.
  2. Ask your child if they can explain what the Postsecondary Plan and Readiness Rubric are to you.
  3. Talk with your child's advisor during parent/teacher conferences about how they are doing in the class. You can find out who this is by looking at your child's schedule on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
  4. Take your child on college visits to help them figure out what they like about different schools. Try to get a good mix of 4-year and 2-year schools.
  5. Talk to your child about going on visits to different work sites, such as an accounting office, veterinary clinic, hospital, etc. and see what they seem to find an interest in.
  6. Talk to your child's high school guidance counselor about what you and your child have been discussing and see if they can help you find out more!
  7. Use the Postsecondary Plan and Readiness Rubrics to help your child pick out their classes. Focus on those courses that match up with what your child's future college and career goals are.
  8. Ask your child about how to navigate the Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) and how it will help them find out more about potential careers, majors, schools, etc.