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College Algebra


Welcome to Mr. Haugen's College Algebra class.  This is a college-level high school class which provides 3 credits through Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU).

CIS College Algebra        Course Description:   3 credits from SMSU

A study of the fundamental concepts of algebra. Topics include: equations and inequalities; polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs; and systems of linear and nonlinear equations. 


    1. A student must meet SMSU’s CIS eligibility requirements
    2. Also, students should have passed Algebra 3-Regular or Advanced OR, with teacher approval, have passed Algebra 2 with a B- or Higher

Text:   College Algebra by Openstax,

Book:  College Algebra Book pdf

Grading Scale:           93-100          A      SMSU A+  97-100    

90-93            A-          

87-90            B+          

83-87            B          

80-83            B-          

77-80            C+          

73-77            C          

70-73            C-          

67-70            D+          

63-67            D          

60-63            D-          

Below 60      F

Tentative Semester Schedule:

Term 1

    • Weeks 1–2   Registration, Syllabus, Chapter 1
    • Weeks 3 - 5           Chapter 2
    • Weeks 6 - 8           Chapter 3
    • Weeks 9                Chapter 4

Term 2

    • Weeks 10 - 12       Chapter 5
    • Weeks 13 - 15       Chapter 6
    • Week 16                Chapter 7
    • Week 17                FINAL EXAM
    • Week 18                Chapter 9




**Follow the School policy/hand book:  /domain/370

College Now Statement:

College Now is SMSU's concurrent enrollment program. Concurrent enrollment allows qualified high school students to earn college credit in their high school, during their regular school day. College Now classes are taught by qualified high school teachers and are supervised by SMSU faculty members. These classes are actual SMSU courses where students earn actual SMSU credit. There is no cost to the student for these courses, providing an outstanding opportunity for students to earn college credit and jumpstarting their college careers without incurring additional debt.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Academic Honesty:

The aim of the academic honesty policy is to maintain the academic integrity of Southwest

Minnesota State University and promote an intellectual climate of honesty and integrity. To maintain an environment of academic integrity all students are required to accept personal responsibility for their work at Southwest Minnesota State University. Any offense against the academic honesty policy compromises the educational integrity of Southwest Minnesota State University and will be considered a grave offense.  Offenses against academic honesty are acts which unjustly advance one’s academic standing at Southwest Minnesota State University and include knowingly permitting or knowingly aiding a person in an offense against the academic policy.


Forms of Academic Dishonesty:  In line with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrator (NASPA), Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) academic dishonesty will include the following forms:

A.  Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own. Plagiarism will include, but not be limited to:

1. Submitting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, including but not limited to homework assignments, term papers, research reports, lab reports, group projects, artistic works, tests, or class presentations.

2. Submitting someone else’s electronic work as your own, including but not limited to video clips, audio clips, electronic files, electronic programs, and any other copied electronic page, document, article, review, etc.

3. Submitting someone else’s work as your own with minor alterations. Paraphrasing without proper citation is also plagiarism.

4. Submitting someone else’s work without appropriate use of quotations, paraphrases, footnotes, or references.

B. Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study guide. Cheating will include, but not be limited to:

1. Copying from someone else during any type of examination.

2. Communicating answers to an exam with other students and this includes allowing someone else to copy your own exam during a test.

3. Using any material not permitted by the instructor for an examination.

4. Requesting, acquiring, possessing, or providing someone else with an examination or portion of an examination without consent of the instructor.

C. Impermissible Collaboration: Collaborating on any academic exercise, work, speech, test or examination unless expressly authorized by the faculty member. It is the obligation of the student to know whether collaboration is permitted.


Any student found to have committed or have attempted to commit the above misconduct is subject to disciplinary sanctions:


Disciplinary Sanctions: In cases where a faculty member finds that a student has committed any act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member may, in the exercise of his or her professional judgment, impose an academic sanction as severe as giving the student a zero on the assignment or in more severe cases a failing grade in the course. The faculty member will discuss this with the student before imposing the sanction. The student has the right to appeal to a higher administrative person who is responsible to consider such appeals.”